Personal Developement & Happiness

🌟Fill those EASTER BASKETS FOR JUST $5! KOHL’S $3 SPRING DECOR Top 10 Amazon Deals. $5 Backpacks!

🌟Fill those EASTER BASKETS FOR JUST $5! KOHL'S $3 SPRING DECOR Top 10 Amazon Deals. $5 Backpacks!

Finance, Food, Health, Personal Developement & Happiness, Planning, Uncategorized

Easy Ways To Reduce Your Grocery Bill

When you come home from a long day tired with a long list of things yet to do, and you have a hungry family to feed, it’s difficult to think frugally. With a little planning and effort, you can have good healthy food and save money.

Personal Developement & Happiness

Setting Goals for the New Year

Each of us has different goals for different reasons, let’s support each other in reaching those goals and dreams. We all make our own happiness.

Personal Developement & Happiness

Be Happy, Keep Promises to Yourself

Keeping promises to yourself is just as, if not more important than keeping promises to others. We all make promises to ourselves like: "I will start a new diet on Monday" or "I will give up … (fill in the food or beverage of your choice.)" or "I will be more understanding and supportive of… Continue reading Be Happy, Keep Promises to Yourself