Blogging, Happiness, Health, Personal Developement & Happiness, Planning, Romance, Writing

4 Ways to be Happier

Hello Friends!

Life is too short to start your day with broken pieces of yesterday…” -anonymous

What a thought!  You know that yesterday has already happened, today is happening and tomorrow will happen.  It may sound silly to say it, but it is a truth.  It is all of our truth.

So, what can we do with the broken pieces of yesterday?  We can take the best of all of all our yesterdays, learn from the worst of them, and use that to make a wonderful today, and a beautiful tomorrow.

Every day is an opportunity to learn and change, to live your best life.

Here’s 4 ways to be happier today:

*Try to learn something new each day. It will make you feel accomplished and help you achieve your goals.

*Do something every day that makes you happy.

Set aside time for happiness. maybe it’s enjoying a cup of coffee with friends, or sitting alone watching the sunset. Just remember that you are important.

Related Post: Balance Your Life and Be Happier

*The things that you surround yourself with should bring you happiness. Maybe it’s a cozy sweater, a pretty scarf, or pair of pants that fit just right. Things that touch you effect your mood and how you feel. Check out Amazon Best Selling Clothing for some ideas!

*Get items that make you smile, maybe in your favorite color. And they don’t have to be brand new. I change up my table arrangement, pillows on my couch and doormat with the seasons. I freshen up and reuse items from last year. I love using spray paint for a quick, bright update! A great book is: A Stress-Free Guide to a Peaceful Home: Time Saving Tips for Creating an Organized, Clean Family Home

Related Post: Why Your Life is Missing the Mark and How You Can Fix It

Put fresh flowers in your living room or workspace. Flowers bring most people happiness. Also, change up your framed photos. We get used to things after awhile and no longer notice them, so shake it up a little!

I hope these tips help you be happier each and every day! Please feel free to add to this list in the comments! I’d love to hear from you!

Have a Great Day!

Dottie Lake

Disclosure: I am an independent blogger and include affiliated links in this blog which means that I get compensated for purchases made directly through these links..

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